Mittwoch, 24. Dezember 2014

Third Tale-Telling before Christmas at Elfennau at the campfire of the elven’s isle – 21.12.2014

((cleared of OOC and some mistakes and changed names to the actual character-names for a better understanding))

[12:00]  Sapphire (Melani) smiles faintly as she spots the dressed up tree, "A silver and blue tree... I approve," she murmurs.
[12:03]  Mederia Seerose s fairy jingles and waves over to Sapphire (Melani). Mederia looks up and smiles. "Oh, greetings, Lady Sapphire!"
[12:04]  Medoria giggles and waves over to Sapphire, hopping for and back around the fire. Then she points to the Christmas-Tree: "Ribbons!"
[12:05]  Sapphire (Melani) bows her head lightly to Mederia, "Greetings to you as well," she starts over to the tree then, tilting her head before over to Medoria, "I see. Did you have a hand in decorating?"
[12:08]  Mederia Seerose laughs. "She had the idea with the ribbons." Orchidee smiles and whispers jingling. Mederia smiles, as the fae tells, that she made the lights.
[12:08]  Medoria nods and looks proud.
[12:10]  Sapphire (Melani) nods, "Fae made lights and child chosen ribbons, not bad," she lightly touches the ribbon a moment before looking to the three curiously, "Would you like icicles on it by chance?"
[12:11]  Mederia Seerose smiles. "Would be very fitting to the theme of the tale-telling." Orchidee claps in her tiny hands with a jingle.
[12:11]  Medoria blinks and looks curiously to Sapphire.
[12:14]  Sapphire (Melani) smiles to the group before turning back to the tree, placing her fingertips lightly on the needles and closes her eyes, a few moments later, icicles could be seen start to elongate from various spots on the tree, stopping when each were a few inches long, glistening in the light. Sapphire smiles contentedly as she opens her eyes before looking to the small group and stepping over, "What do you think?"
[12:15]  Mederia Seerose tilts her head and smiles. "It's beautiful!" Orchidee nods jingling.
[12:16]  Medoria says: "Ohhhhhhh!" and runs to the tree to look at this icicles, catching the lights. She rises one finger and tips at one of them.
[12:18]  Sapphire (Melani) smiles brightly at the compliment, seeming proud obviously then tilts her head as she watches Medoria, "Are you going to share some stories today? I'm sure a child has many about the cold."
[12:19]  Mederia Seerose smiles and looks to Medoria. Orchidee grins jingling.
[12:19]  Medoria blinks.
[12:21]  Medoria looks to her mother.
[12:21]  Sapphire (Melani) keeps quiet, waiting silently for an answer, moving over to see about getting comfortable on the stump nearby.
[12:22]  Mederia Seerose tilts her head a bit and looks to Medoria. "I would translate, if you want to tell something", she offers. And she explains to Sapphire: "She speaks Draconic almost fluently, but not Common... Do you understand the language of the dragons?"
[12:24]  Sapphire (Melani) nods in understanding, "Ah, well that makes sense, of course," she smiles to the little girl before to Mederia, shaking her head, "No. I only understand the language of the fae and Common....and some elvish, too, but that's neither here nor there."
[12:25]  Medoria looks to Sapphire and then to her dragon-toy. Then back to her mother and says: "Firedragon!" She tilts her head. "Children and dragon?" she asks.
[12:26]  Mederia Seerose nods. "Sure, why not. It's a nice tale about cold." She winks.
[12:26]  Sapphire (Melani) raises a brow at the outburst, looking between the two curiously, though keeps silent, smoothing out her skirt a bit and listening.
[12:28]  Medoria nods and looks to her dragon-toy. She lets the dragon nod and smiles brightly. Then she raises two fingers and says: "Girl, boy. Winter! Snow..." She looks to her mother and says fluently a sentence in Draconic.
[12:29]  Mederia Seerose nods and says: "There were two children, brother and sister. They lived in a mountain-area that had in wintertime always a lot of snow."
[12:30]  Sapphire (Melani) reaches behind her to take some of the snow up in her hands, doing something with it, though keeps her eyes on the two telling the story.
[12:31]  Medoria nods also and explains with hands and Draconic words a while, that the mountains were rough and the nights so long. And at the longest night the two children were sent to the grandparents a bit higher in the mountains even to bring them food and wine for the next days till Christmas Eve.
[12:31]  Mederia Seerose s fae jingles and translates into fae for Sapphire and adds dry, that this idea could only have some stupid human parents!
[12:33]  Medoria glares to Orchidee, then frowns and then nods even. She looks to the sky and explains, that it was in fact stupid, as there were a storm coming with a lot of snow and that only some humans without sense would have sent at such day two children to their grandparents into the mountains.
[12:34]  Mederia Seerose laughs a bit and says after the translation: "It happens... even at days where is so much to do like in the days before Christmas. They haven't to be stupid even... "
[12:36]  Sapphire (Melani) smiles faintly to Medoria, "Sometimes human parents don't think so clearly," before going quiet again.
[12:38]  Medoria tilts her head, blinks at her mother, asking something and listens then to Sapphire and nods understandingly. Then she adds, that the grandparents lived in the next valley. And there was a small path. Normally no problem at all even not for human children. And there was only a bit snow... but darkness fell early and with it the first flakes and the cold of the night covers the way. The children were just over the highest point of the way.
[12:40]  Mederia Seerose s fairy translates with a lot of hand-speaking showing big mountains and then shivers and blinks and asking Medoria, if the children were really so slow that the night began so early.
[12:41]  Medoria looks to Orchidee and says: "Snowball-fight! And... and... snowman! And icicle-music-play." She nods eagerly. Then the dragon-child becomes even more seriously and tells that the snow fell thick and cold and in almost no time no way was to see anymore...
[12:42]  Sapphire (Melani) raises a brow lightly at Medoria's explanation on the children's speed, before nodding as she listens.
[12:43]  Mederia Seerose translates and nods to Medoria with a light smile.
[12:46]  Medoria smiles back to her mother and says then further: "Wrong way! Darkness. Cold..." She adds that the both knew after two hours of walking, that they had lost their way and that the brother, the older of the two, knew, that they had lost the way... maybe they crossed by the cottage of the grandparents without seeing it... maybe they took a wrong turn. And it became colder and colder. The girl followed its brother, believing in his knowledge of the mountains, he walked and walked, knowing that they couldn't stop but without idea of the where.
[12:47]  Mederia Seerose tries to stay close to Medoria's words by the translation. Orchidee nods jingling.
[12:48]  Sapphire (Melani) sighs, toying still with the snow in her hands, "Humans always manage to get lost somehow...but that's what my kind enjoy, so I suppose it isn't all bad.." she murmurs, "So long as your story children didn't get led off by a wisp..." she smirks lightly at that.
[12:50]  Medoria raises her dragon toy and turns around herself, holding the dragon high. "Dragon lost way! Storm, wind, flakes." She looks to Sapphire and shakes her head. "No wisp. No fae there...only gnomes." She nods eagerly. Then she explains that the dragon, who lost its way in the sky, was a young one. And an ice-dragon. It wasn't so bad for it, sure, as the cold was its friend, but to see nothing was making it very grumpy.
[12:51]  Mederia Seerose s fae giggles and asks after a translation, if that would be something new for dragons, being grumpy.
[12:53]  Sapphire (Melani) raises brow brows, "Gnomes?," she shrugs a bit before looking down to whatever she was doing with the snow, listening though.
[12:54]  Medoria shows Orchidee her tongue and tells further, that the two children were near exhaustion, when there was a loud: "Ouch!" not far from them and some snow gliding down the hill and making it almost impossible to go further on. And then... Medoria let the dragon toy rolling over the ground till Sapphire and tries not to giggle - and fails, sure.
[12:55]  Mederia Seerose s fairy translates and grins. She whispers jingling, that there should be some grumpy gnomes now also in the story.
[12:56]  Sapphire (Melani) sets the forming snow down in her lap and reaches out a hand to Zamiyr as he lands, "There you are, dear heart. Come sit with me." then looks down to the dragon toy as it comes over to her, picking it up with the hand not offered to Zamiyr, looking it over for a moment before offering it back to the girl.
[12:58]  Zamiyr lands at the remarkably snowless place, a moment later Paz lands on his shoulder and eyes the rolling toy interestedly. Zam takes some moments to glamour his wings and sits down next to Sapphire then. "I hope I did not miss the best stories already."
[13:00]  Medoria waves to Zamiyr and Pax and runs over to Sapphire to take her dragon toy. She takes the wings of the toy and lets them flap and answers Zamiyr in fluently Draconic, that he missed the begin and that just a ice-dragon fell almost on the head of two children lost in a snow-storm-winter-night on their way to the grandparents at the longest night of the year to bring them something to eat and wine. She inhales after telling this all in one go and adds matter of fact in Draconic, that the children should have died from shock by the dragon almost on them, but they were too young to die from shock. She nods to her mother.
[13:01]  Mederia Seerose laughs and smiles with a bow of her head to Zamiyr and Pax. She translates the telling of her daughter into common. Orchidee adds in a jingling fae: "And there are gnomes! But not in the story."
[13:02]  Sapphire (Melani) shakes her head, "Of course not, Zamiyr. Only Medoria is working on her story...translated by the others," she promises, brushing through his hair before kissing his cheek and going back to her snow lump after the girl takes her toy, nodding as she listens to the translation and Orchidee's mention of there being no gnomes in the story.
[13:04]  Medoria takes her dragon-toy and let it roar and then she let it tilt its head. "You are snowhumans?" she lets the dragon ask in Draconic and translates herself helpfully: "Yetis?!" And she let the children shake her heads.
[13:05]  Mederia Seerose s fae translates and asks: "HOW old are the children?"
[13:05]  Zamiyr nods to Medoria. "That sounds like a good story...and we should better keep that portal there in our eyes, lest some gnomes come through there..." he reaches over and grabs some wine. "Yetis?"
[13:07]  Sapphire (Melani) grins a bit at Zamiyr's words tot eh girl, finally setting the small dragon she had made out of the snow onto the grassy ground, before folding her hands in her lap and looking up again.
[13:08]  Medoria looks to Orchidee. "Small!" she answers in common and shows some high that would be only till her shoulder. She looks shortly to her mother, but hurries then to tell that the children told the dragon, that they weren't snow-humans and that it was cold and that they pleaded the dragon not to eat them. And the little girl added, that she never had seen such a nice blue scaled bird ever before - what let the dragon roar big, shown by the dragon-toy.
[13:10]  Mederia Seerose raises one brow about the shown high, but doesn't say more than a correct translation of Medoria's tale. Orchidee giggles nodding with a jingle.
[13:13]  Sapphire (Melani) tilts her head, "Well, I suppose that's one thing that never changes; never call a dragon a bird," she murmurs to Zamiyr, leaning over to him, before going quiet.
[13:15]  Medoria hurries to tell further, that the boy stood in front of his sister and offered the dragon all the things in their baskets if it wouldn't eat them. The dragon-girl, sure it was a dragon-girl, was clever and she asked the children, why she shouldn't eat them. Without something to eat and to drink and in this cold they would die anyway in this night. So it wouldn't make any difference!
[13:15]  Mederia Seerose smiles and translates.
[13:19]  Sapphire (Melani) takes up another couple handfuls of snow, starting to toy with that as well, listening quietly still.
[13:19]  Medoria takes her toy so, that it looks down on her. Medoria plays the little girl and says in Common: "Mum sad! Grandma sad." And explains that the girl began to weep. The boy thought some time and offered then the dragon, if it would help them, they could tell it a tale or two AND give it the baskets. The dragon-girl pondered this and then nodded. "Three tales!" she asked.
[13:21]  Mederia Seerose s fairy translates and adds: "No dragon without a tiny bit of greed!" with a giggle and jingle and a tongue to Mederia.
[13:22]  Sapphire (Melani) (eiraiseult): "Oh...there is nothing wrong with wanting things..." she murmurs.
[13:24]  Medoria shows herself her tiny tongue to Orchidee and nods to Sapphire. She tells then in Draconic, that the dragon took its magic of cold to let the snow roll around the children and to build big walls and a roof. Then it stretched its head into this snow-cave and demanded to be feed and the first tale.
[13:24]  Zamiyr nods. "Always three."
[13:24]  Mederia Seerose smiles lightly, translates and says dry: "Nothing wrong with a good trade."
[13:26]  Sapphire (Melani) smiles briefly at Zamiyr's murmur before she sighs a bit, looking slightly frustrated at the exact same words she had smiled at, before looking back to Medoria.
[13:28]  Medoria giggles and tells, that the night for the three in the cave was at last a nice one. They told tales and poems and not feeling the cold outside they forgot almost, that they were in the wilderness and in a storm and the dragon answered some curious questions of the children also and at the end there were more than three tales told and the meals and the drink was shared between them.
[13:29]  Mederia Seerose nods and translates further.
[13:29]  Zamiyr strokes over Paz´s feathers gently and listens, but indeed does keep the portal stone in his eyes...
[13:31]  Sapphire (Melani) tilts her head as she listens, lifting her hand palm up, the small pile of snow laying on it and blows on it lightly, the snow swirling over towards Medoria to fall on and around her.
[13:33]  Medoria nods eagerly and looks with delight at the snow around her and tells that at the next day the parents and neighbours were coming in the first daylight, when the storm calmed down, over the little path on the search for the children. The three in the snow cave heard them and the girl whispered to the dragon not to show itself to the adults. They came up with the plan to call and to dig themselves out and to let the dragon lay under the thick snow covering. And to meet at another time to tell more tales and to bring more sweetbread. And so they did. And the adults never could explain, how the children survived the strongest storm in a century.
[13:34]  Mederia Seerose s fae translates and adds with a giggle and a jingle that adult humans are worse than small humans.
[13:35]  Zamiyr listens to the story and looks over to Medoria a moment before watching the portal stone again. "Wasn´t that a clever little girl."
[13:36]  Sapphire (Melani) leans in to whisper in Zamiyr's ear, "You see something, dear?," before pulling back and smiling to Medoria, "A nice story, too."
[13:37]  Medoria nods with a wide smile to Zamiyr and tells at the end, that they became close friends and the girl a dragon-rider and her brother a big mage of ice-magic. She nods and bows. "End!" she calls out.
[13:38]  Mederia Seerose explains the end of the tale and bows her head to Medoria: "Well told, my heart."
[13:39]  Zamiyr nods, whispering back. "There are mountains...a range of can not see it, my precious?" he smiles to Medoria´s exclamation. "All is well that ends least that is what the humans say..."
[13:41]  Sapphire (Melani) looks over tot he portal at his reply, studying it some moments before smiling lightly and nodding to him, "The chances they are snowy mountains? It's hard to tell....," she murmurs, looking hopeful, before bowing her head to Medoria, "As I said, a nice story."
[13:42]  Medoria beams delighted and runs to her mother, snuggling in her embrace and blushing.
[13:44]  Mederia Seerose s fairy claps in her tiny hands and jingles. Mederia smiles and hugs her daughter warmly, kisses her hair. Then she looks up to the sky. "Not much time anymore till the two little ones need a bed... any short poem or tale to tell or shall we only sit and enjoy the quietness of the fire?"
[13:47]  Zamiyr watches Medoria, then looks into the flickering lights and images and nods to Sapphire (Melani). "There is a high one, right in the looks as if there is always snow up there...but there is some flickering light too, like the one in the stone...the same colour...maybe...a portal, too..." he murmurs and looks to Sapphire then at Mederia´s question. "Didn´t you have something about the cold, Sapphire?" he reaches for the wine to fill his mug again and raises it to the others. "To Winter and to the longest night."
[13:48]  Mederia Seerose raises her own mug and bows her head. "To Winter and the longest night", she repeats. Orchidee jingles and nods.
[13:49]  Medoria runs to get herself a muffin and comes then back to Medoria to snuggle up in her arms again, eating muffin.
[13:50]  Sapphire (Melani) nods, "It probably is another portal," she murmurs, tilting her head form side to side as she looks to the stone ring before blinking and looking to Mederia, about to speak then to Zamiyr, too, "I do...and I believe I might be able to fit in it quickly...else I'll just save it," she shrugs a shoulder, before smiling a bit, moving to get her own self some wine before murmuring, "To the cold and night in general..."
[13:50]  Mederia Seerose 's fair looks to Medoria and the muffin and gets herself with a giggle and a jingle also a piece. Mederia smiles. "I am eager to hear, Lady Sapphire."
[13:52]  Zamiyr gets a muffin for himself as well and feeds Paz some dried meat, then looks to Sapphire, nodding.
[13:54]  Medoria nods, looking to Sapphire, eating muffin.
[13:57]  Sapphire (Melani) smiles at Mederia's words then pauses to think a moment before, "Well, it's a human fairytale of sorts, told to me by a human. Imagine that at one point there was a mirror that changed things to look ugly and awful...but the mirror broke." She reaches back to take up some snow at that, blowing on it so it would swirl around in the air before landing on the ground some moments later, speaking as she watches it, "It broke and pieces of it were swept up in the wind and carried to various lands, sticking into eyes and hearts...." She pauses a moment before, "But there's also a little boy and girl in this story, too."
[14:00]  Mederia Seerose tilts her head and raises shortly with Medoria on one arm to take her some hot chocolate, and sits down again, listening to Sapphire.
[14:00]  Medoria takes the cup with eagerness, but listens closely to Sapphire.
[14:02]  Zamiyr raises a brow at the start of the story, but then listens silently, eating and drinking and looking rather comfortably.
[14:05]  Sapphire (Melani): "The boy and girl really did care for another, almost like brother and sister even though they only lived near each other. They even had a garden of flowers shared between them. There was one winter, though, when the boy had been going to sleep, he had looked out his window which was frosting over, and had seen a woman, seemingly made of ice, beckoning to him..." She tucks a bit of hair behind and ear before continuing, "But then Spring came with no incident. One day the two were playing and the boy felt something get into his eye and then a pain in his heart. neither knew it, but the little pieces of the mirror had found their way to him, one in his eye, the other in his heart. He felt fine after blinking a bit and both shrugged it off and continued playing...only...the boy started to see the flowers and grass and all as dead. And his heart was freezing over due tot eh mirror piece; so he started to play tricks on the other children, even saying some things tot eh girl, his best friend, some things that made her cry. This went on until the next winter, where he was playing with other boys who were tying their little sleds to large sleighs....the boy not being an exception. Only he tied his to an elegant looking one, much more fancy than the rest did."
[14:08]  Medoria murmurs: "Mean!"
[14:09]  Zamiyr nods. "Mean. But the sleighs sound fun, don´t you think?"
[14:09]  Mederia Seerose caresses Medoria's hair and grins a bit to Zamiyr.
[14:09]  Medoria nods with a big smile.
[14:14]  Sapphire (Melani) raises a brow at Zamiyr's words but shrugs a bit then continues, "The sleigh he had tied his own to kept going, much faster than the others had been going. He was scared, but as the driver looked back, from what he could see since she was wrapped in her fur, simply her eyes convinced him to be quiet and relax. It kept going until coming to a palace of ice. The driver got out and took the boy's hand, leading him inside, the woman taking her coat and hat off. The boy wasn't scared anymore, for she was beautiful. She was the same woman of ice he had seen before....only she looked more human and beautiful now to him. She smiled and kissed him once, having him forget the cold. Another kiss and he forgot his home, his family, and even the little girl..." She trials off then tilts her head, "The third kiss that came much later...well, he died." She ends then, looking to the others, "That's the end of the story I know, but I've heard rumours of other versions where he lives because the girl saves him or so..."
[14:18]  Zamiyr: "He wasn´t scared because she was beautiful?" he chuckles and looks to Medoria. "You think that´s clever?"
[14:19]  Medoria yawns and shakes her head. "Not clever", she says. "Girl?" she asks.
[14:21]  Mederia Seerose smiles to her daughter. "I heard a version where the girl was very brave and rescued the boy out of the ice-palace... with her love. But which is the true one... who knows." She bows her head to Sapphire. "And maybe there is another one still, where they were all saved... somebody with a frozen heart may have a reason for having it." She smiles. "Thank you all for coming to this tale telling. I enjoyed it a lot." Orchidee smiles and yawns and nods jingling. "But for now... I have to bring two small ones to bed."
[14:22]  Zamiyr nods. "No, not at all. The beautiful ones have a much easier time being mean too, and getting away with it." he reaches for another muffin and smiles. "Good that I didn´t bring a story, it seems as if the best audience is already ready to sleep...don´t let your mother give you three good night kisses, little dragon."
[14:23]  Sapphire (Melani) shrugs a shoulder, "beautiful and her own magic that she held, no doubt, but that's the wording in the story," she explains before looking to Medoria, about to open her mouth before looking to Mederia, nodding as she explains, "Ah, yes, that’s the other version I heard tell of, but I don't know the details...though. I don't feel like the snow queen needed much saving..." she frowns a bit at Mederia's suggestion then bows her head, "It was a wonderful theme, for sure. I hope you all sleep well," she smiles then looks to Zamiyr, raising a brow.
[14:25]  Mederia Seerose bows her head to the fae. "May the moon light your ways." Orchidee waves jingling with a big yawn.
[14:25]  Medoria holds her mother's hand and waves with her dragon-toy to the fae.
[14:26]  Zamiyr waves back to Orchidee. "You have a lot of night before you. Good dreams."
[14:26]  Sapphire (Melani) waves briefly to the three leaving, before looking to Zamiyr with a tilted head, outing a bit, "Beautiful ones can get away with being mean? That doens't mean you think I am mean, do you, dear heart?"
[14:27]  Zamiyr tilts his head. "Why do you ask me that, my lovely? Are you?"

Freitag, 12. Dezember 2014

Tale Telling at the Fireplace of the Broken Portal at the 11th of December 2015

((cleaned of OOC and some mistakes))

[11:59]  Eala Du (cottonswan) peers through the windows of Lady Mederia's home, her keen eyes looking about the rooms within, she then spies figures by the camp and strolls towards it.
[11:59]  Inddia Ametza: greetings :)
[12:00]  Eala Du (cottonswan) bows her head to Mederia and smiles to Medoria, she then greets the elven woman she has seen about the isle.
[12:01]  Mederia Seerose smiles to the two women coming nearer. "Greetings." She bows her head. "We haven't met", she says to the light-haired one. "My name is Mederia, this small girl is Medoria and the tiny one is Orchidee." She gesticulates around. "Look for a place and take something to eat and drink please." Then she smiles to Nevi. "Greetings, dear. And greetings bird of the night."
[12:02]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) waves and laughs. "Fae! Neeeeevi!"
[12:03]  Nevoeei pauses as she sees the lady in white go past Mederia's house, following after her since the door was closed and smiles to Mederia and Medoria, starting over though nods to the two other women, pausing a bit to look at the one she had followed, "You look familiar. But I don't know if from some other time or from a dream. Sometimes it's hard to tell. And you have face markings," she smiles brightly, pointing briefly to the purple-ish markings on her cheek bones before waving a bit to Mederia then walks over to Medoria, taking a white rose form her owl's beak and offering it to her, "here. It won't die because it's not real, but it's form where my family is."
[12:04]  Eala Du (cottonswan) looks over the flowing locks besides her and says, "what beautiful hair, a few strands would look so lovely as a ring!" she holds her hands out and admires a finger, before waving them in greeting to Medoria. Her eyes then find Orchidee and she bows head to the little fae. "The other child is?.." she asks as she watches her approach Medoria.
[12:05]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) takes the white rose with an "oooooohhhhh" and smiles brightly to Nevi. She says then matter of fact with a pointing dragon-toy to Nevoeei: "Nevi!"
[12:06]  Mederia Seerose smiles and says to Eala: "This is Nevoeei, the oldest daughter of a friend of mine. She will tell today a tale of her own." She smiles to Nevi.
[12:07]  Nevoeei looks back to the woman in white and bows her head, "I'm Nevoeei An-Nayyir, but people call me Nevi for short." She pauses a moment, "And my owl is Nascha. Who are you?" she asks, before looking back to Mederia, "I’m their -only- daughter. Nuveim's still older than me."
[12:08]  Eala Du (cottonswan) repeats the name Nevi, like she stores it somewhere and nods her head, then she looks to Mederia, "You must forgive my absence the last time tales were told Lady Mederia, but of course I had more important business, as my business most always is." and she smiled at her, "Nevoeei, yet Nevi in play, and a story-weaver too, I shall love to hear and keep the tale...Nascha.." another name she hides carefully, "Greetings to you both I am Eala Du." and that was all the introduction of herself she gave.
[12:10]  Mederia Seerose winks. "He is the oldest and youngest son - till now. Like you the oldest and youngest daughter - till now. And so it was the truth. Every person can be described in a lot of ways, Nevi. Eala Du also. One of the description for Lady Eala Du is: The Lady of the Land." She bows her head to the fae. Then she sits down and winks to Medoria and points to the cookies.
[12:11]  Eala Du (cottonswan) turns her smile to the lady of the fair tresses and wonders if she bargain to take a length of that hair. Her head nods at the wisdom of words from Mederia to Nevi and then finds a seat about the fire, waiting for a story to begin, "Are we all?" she asks, to see if they wait for any.
[12:13]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) runs to the cookies and takes three, gives one to the jingling Orchidee and one to Nevi and one her mother. Then she runs again and takes more cookies and brings one Eala and one the other lady. Then she hops back to her mother and takes her own cookie and bites in it.
[12:14]  Nevoeei smiles at Eala's words then nods at the introduction, "That doesn’t sound" She frowns, then sighs, "Sorry, dreams sometimes get mixed with my thoughts...I still need to work on that..." she murmurs, glancing away a moment before back to Mederia, "That sounds like...complicated..." she murmurs, smiling a bit to Medoria as she takes the offered cookie, lifting her shoulder a bit and Nascha flies up to perch in one of the trees. Nevi herself walks over to look at the stone circle, listening and nibbling on her cookie.
[12:14]  Eala Du (cottonswan) beams widely as Medoria brings her sweet treat, "A favour from the meadow flower!" she exclaims and kisses the cookie before biting into it. "I shall have you as my own." she calls after Medoria and the words came as fun, but true.
[12:16]  Mederia Seerose smiles to Eala. "I will call for you, when I need some free time", she laughs and winks to the fae. "But I want her back." She smiles to the child. Then she says: "Who will come later, will come later. I think, we should begin." She looks to Nevi. "I want to ask you, if you will begin. As you offered a tale the last time."
[12:17]  Eala Du (cottonswan) pauses in her chewing as the young one called Nevi speaks of a dream, then hesitate and stops. Eala looks at her, watches with her black eyes, in stillness. "Dreams speak much, and urgent if they need, intruding into the waking moments." she says and continues to eat, before looking at Mederia delighted. " As much freedom as you need my Lady." she urged. Then looked again to Nevi expectantly.
[12:19]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) looks to Eala, nibbling at her cookie. "Chocolate?" she asks. Then she looks to Nevi: "Dream-Tale!" And then she whispers to her mother: "Cocoa?"
[12:19]  Nevoeei looks over to Eala, blinking at her words to Medoria but shrugs then, getting up onto the log to peer at the swirling blue in the stone, though looks back to Mederia and nods, hopping off and sitting down instead, "I think my story can fit dreams, too. Though it's not exactly a story, it's more of...things about dreams that almost fit into portals last time," she nods a bit before looking to Eala again, tilting her head, "They do, and that's why I'm glad dream chose me to have it as my first element," she says a bit proudly.
[12:21]  Mederia Seerose goes over to the cocoa and takes one cup for Medoria, offers cups of hot drinks to the ladies and Nevi with a smile.
[12:23]  Eala Du (cottonswan) waves the crumb of cookie left towards Medoria and nods and laughs before tossing it into mouth. She then leans more comfortable into the log and listens to Nevi, an eyebrow raises at the mention of her affinity with dreams and she eyes the young girl with more interest than given her before. "My thanks my lady." she says accepting the hot sweet drink from Mederia, and takes a cup for the silver haired elf, seeing her as perhaps shy amongst the gathering. She sets her drink beside the log.
[12:27]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) takes the cocoa and sits down, looking to Nevi, whispering with her dragon toy.
[12:32]  Eala Du (cottonswan) sips upon the hot drink and delights in her hot breath that comes in plumes through the frosty air. As the steam clears the way she can be found to be watching the story-teller. Ears keen for her words.
[12:33]  Nevoeei smiles to Mederia as she takes the cup, puffing her cheeks out a bit before starting, "Dreams are...difficult. They change form person to person and what they show can be a fear or a wish or both, too, sometimes. Sometimes something you fear you wish for it because it'll be better for you to have that fear happen than something to happen to someone else," she pauses a moment before looking to the empty stump to her left, "And it's harder to get back from dreams than it is to get to them. Dreams don't like letting people go. But, sometimes, you can find parts of dreams that can help you look into the real to find your way back quicker." She falls silent some moments, seeming to focus a bit, her slightly fogged eyes seeming to give off a subtle glow for a few moments as a ruined stone archway slowly fades into view on top of the stump, white roses winding their way around what was left intact. If any of them looked through the mini archway, they would be able to see snow, an aurora, plants all in white, clear, mirror-like water stretching on until hitting more white, dream-like land. "Sometimes things serve as a gate almost, that give a brief view into the real world, if you look hard, but the gateway isn't really there in the physical plane...just the dream one..."
[12:35]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) claps in her small hands and runs over to Nevi to have a closer look at the stump.
[12:36]  Eala Du (cottonswan) tilts her head and 'hmms' and nods making small sound as the child speaks so well of dream. Then a smile of wonder comes as the child brings vision. Her hands clap together light in this delight. "so perfect!" she whispers.
[12:37]  Mederia Seerose tilts her head and nods approvingly.
[12:40]  Nevoeei smiles a bit at the reactions then sighs, "So, sometimes the dreams like to keep you. It's you don't exactly want to wake up from a good dream. They are nice and comfortable and you don't want to leave that comfort. If you have some magic, it's easier to stay... and to keep others, too...but it's still hard, when you know -you- are supposed to be in a physical place, even if dreams are so much a part of you." She lets the archway illusion fade slowly before looking to the others, "But there are lots of ways to and from, if you look, and they can all serve as windows. Even our own dreams are a bit of a window, even if only to part of the dream plane."
[12:42]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) waves to the fading dream-picture and says earnestly: "Snow-dragon!"
[12:42]  Eala Du (cottonswan) smiles secret smile and leans her head back on to the stump… as if she dreams, the vision lingers behind her eyes a while.
[12:44]  Mederia Seerose murmurs: "They are..."
[12:44]  Nevoeei rubs at her eyes, looking a bit faded now maybe before glancing around, Nascha flying back down to her shoulder and looking much same, both seeming maybe only half there. "Well that's my 'story'," she ends hen with a brief smile.
[12:45]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) claps again and says with a smile to Nevi: "Snow nice!" and hops back to Mederia.
[12:45]  Eala Du (cottonswan) claps her hands for Nevi and then says, "You make me long to dance in a dream a while, many thanks for you spoke of their wonder in fineness."
[12:48]  Eala Du (cottonswan) laughs at "Snow nice." and casts her eyes to the peaks of white that surround them. She then stood to her feet, and turned a circle. "Is there time for a tale of ancient days and dreams... with love and adventure to behold?" she looked about her sure that none would resist her weave.
[12:48]  Mederia Seerose smiles to Nevi. "You learned a lot now... " She bows her head. "Thank you, Nevi, daughter of Taeem." She looks to Eala with a wink: "Lady Eala. I am sure, you collected wonderful tales about dream and love and adventures. I like the part about ancient days also a lot. Please begin!"
[12:50]  Eala Du (cottonswan) turns her head again to Nevi and smiles, as Mederia praises her. She then bows her head, then her body with flourish of arms, taking to weave in and out between them all, making her voice low, then sure. "So the story begins, as you all beg of me!" and she twinkled a smile.
[12:50]  Nevoeei smiles a bit to Medoria's words, "It is. Maybe sometime I'll be able to show one of the places my Grandpa took me to in Ardes. It has a lot of snow and ice," she whispers over to the girl before to Mederia, nodding, "But I mostly taught myself. Paper likes to tell me to do things if I can and Reev only encourages me and tells me some rules that aren't really rules." She looks to Eala then, tilting her head curiously, even though Nascha was shifting on her shoulder, seeming nervous.
[12:51]  Eala Du (cottonswan) takes deep breath, "The dream of Madsen Wledig" and with her exhale in the steam of breath a figure form, lordly and large.
[12:51]  Eala Du (cottonswan): " MACSEN WLEDIG was emperor of Rome, and he was a comelier man, and a better and a wiser than any emperor that had been before him. And one day he held a council of kings, and he said to his friends, "I desire to go to-morrow to hunt." And the next day in the morning he set forth with his retinue, and came to the valley of the river that flowed towards Rome. And he hunted through the valley until mid-day. And with him also were two-and-thirty crowned kings, that were his vassals; not for the delight of hunting went the emperor with them, but to put himself on equal terms with those kings."
[12:54]  Eala Du (cottonswan) smiles and then continues, letting her words linger between each part of tale.
[12:54]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "And the sun was high in the sky over their heads, and the heat was great. And sleep came upon Macsen Wledig. And his attendants stood and set up their shields around him upon the shafts of their spears to protect him from the sun, and they placed a gold enamelled shield under his head; and so Macsen slept."
[12:54]  Nevoeei sips on her hot chocolate, which had cooled down quite a bit by now, as she listens silently.
[12:55]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) looks at the figure of steam with a blink. She blinks and nods and whispers then to her dragon toy: "Biiiig!"
[12:55]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "Macsen Wledig he saw a dream. And this is the dream that he saw. He was journeying along the valley of the river towards its source; and he came to the highest mountain in the world. And he thought that the mountain was as high as the sky; and when he came over the mountain, it seemed to him that he went through the fairest and most level regions that man ever yet had seen, on the other side of the mountain. And he saw large and mighty rivers descending from the mountain to the sea, and towards the mouths of the rivers he proceeded. And as he journeyed, he came to the mouth of the largest river ever seen."
[12:55]  Mederia Seerose smiles to her daughter and nods, listens to Eala further.
[12:56]  Eala Du (cottonswan) arms made shape of mighty peak and her hands swam with the bends of a river's course. Her eyes grew large with the size of peak and the wonders of the dream.
[12:57]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "And he beheld a great city at the entrance of the river, and a vast castle in the city, and he saw many high towers of various colours in the castle. And he saw a fleet at the mouth of the river, the largest ever seen. And he saw one ship among the fleet; larger was it by far, and fairer than all the others. Of such part of the ship as he could see above the water, one plank was gilded and the other silvered over. He saw a bridge of the bone of the whale from the ship to the land, and. he thought that he went along the bridge, and came into the ship. And a sail was hoisted on the ship, and along the sea and the ocean was it borne. Then it seemed that he came to the fairest island in the whole world, and he traversed the island from sea to sea, even to the furthest shore of the island. Valleys he saw, and steeps and rocks of wondrous height, and rugged precipices. Never yet saw he the like. And thence he beheld an island in the sea, facing this rugged land. "
[13:00]  Eala Du (cottonswan) eyes glimmer for this land was a land of many tales of myth and legend. She then blinks her eyes from the vision of the place and continues the tale.
[13:00]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "Between him and this island was a country of which the plain was as large as the sea, the mountain as vast as the wood. And from the mountain he saw a river that flowed through the land and fell into the sea. And at the mouth of the river he beheld a castle, the fairest that man ever saw, and the gate of the castle was open, and he went into the castle. And in the castle he saw a fair hall, of which the roof seemed to be all gold, the walls of the hall seemed to be entirely of glittering precious gems, the doors all seemed to be of gold. Golden seats he saw in the hall, and silver tables. And on a seat opposite to him, he beheld two auburn-haired youths playing at chess. He saw a silver board for the chess, and golden pieces thereon. The garments of the youths were of jet black satin, and chaplets of ruddy gold bound their hair, whereon were sparkling jewels of great price, rubies, and gems, alternately with imperial stones. Buskins of new cordovan leather on their feet, fastened by slides of red gold."
[13:02]  Eala Du (cottonswan) wiggled her finger at Medoria as she spoke of auburn-haired youths and flicked a breeze the way of the child, to perhaps ruffle at the red locks.
[13:02]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "And beside a pillar in the hall, he saw a hoary-headed man, in a chair of ivory, with the figures of two eagles of ruddy gold thereon. Bracelets of gold were upon his arms, and many rings were on his hands, and a golden torque about his neck; and his hair was bound with a golden diadem. He was of powerful aspect. A chess-board of gold was before him, and a rod of gold, and a steel file in his hand. And he was carving out chess-men."
[13:03]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "And he saw a maiden sitting before him in a chair of ruddy gold. Not more easy than to gaze upon the sun when brightest, was it to look upon her by reason of her beauty. A vest of white silk was upon the maiden, with clasps of red gold at the breast; and a surcoat of gold tissue upon her, and a frontlet of red gold upon her head, and rubies and gems were in the frontlet, alternating with pearls and imperial stones. And a girdle of ruddy gold was around her. She was the fairest sight that man ever beheld."
[13:04]  Eala Du (cottonswan) placed her hands beneath her chin and fluttered her eyelashes. Then laughed as the tale went on.
[13:05]  Eala Du (cottonswan): The maiden arose from her chair before him, and he threw his arms about the neck of the maiden, and they two sat down together in the chair of gold: and the chair was not less roomy for them both, than for the maiden alone. And as he had his arms about the maiden's neck, and his cheek by her cheek, behold, through the chafing of the dogs at their leashing, and the clashing of the shields as they struck against each other, and the beating together of the shafts of the spears, and the neighing of the horses and their prancing, the emperor awoke.
[13:06]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) whispers, while the wind plays in her locks: "Gold and rubies!" She beams.
[13:06]  Eala Du (cottonswan) nods her head, "Sparkly!" she agrees with Medoria's delight.
[13:06]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "And when he awoke, nor spirit nor existence was left him, because of the maiden whom he had seen in his sleep, for the love of the maiden pervaded his whole frame. Then his household spake unto him. "Lord," said they, "is it not past the time for you to take thy food?" Thereupon the emperor mounted his palfrey, the saddest man that mortal ever saw, and went forth towards Rome."
[13:07]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "And so he was during the space of a week. When they of the household went to drink wine and mead out of golden vessels, he went not with any of them. When they went to listen to songs and tales, he went not with them there; neither could he be persuaded to do any thing but sleep. And as often as he slept, he beheld in his dreams the maiden he loved best; but except when he slept he saw nothing of her, for he knew not where in the world she was. "
[13:09]  Mederia Seerose smiles and nods, tilting her head, her gaze on Medoria, when she whispered of gold and gems.
[13:09]  Eala Du (cottonswan) pauses and looks around, smile upon her face, "I am half way there...shall the tale wait till the next time…or shall you hear more?" she laughed happily, "My tales take some telling it is so." and even in her self-thinking ways, she did not wish the story to grow to long and old.
[13:11]  Mederia Seerose looks up and smiles. "Lady Eala Du... we will meet next week for sure again. But we have still some time."
[13:12]  Eala Du (cottonswan) smiles, "Then I go on a little more and perhaps it will be done with!" and on she went.
[13:12]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "One day the page of the chamber spake unto him; now, although he was page of the chamber, he was king of the Romans. "Lord," said he, "all the people revile you." "Why do they revile me?" asked the emperor. "Because they can get neither message nor answer from you as men should have from their lord. This is the cause why you are spoken evil of." "Youth," said the emperor, "bring to me the wise men of Rome, and I will tell them why I am sorrowful."
[13:12]  Nevoeei shrugs a bit at the question, looking to Mederia a moment then nods at her words though says softly, "I might not come next week. Mama worries something will happen," before falling silent to listen to the rest of the story.
[13:15]  Eala Du (cottonswan) glanced to Nevi and wondered at the danger that her folks fretted of her, her wondering brief as she returned to Macsen's dilemma.
[13:15]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "Then the wise men of Rome were brought to the emperor, and he spake to them. "Sages of Rome," said he, "I have seen a dream. And in the dream I beheld a maiden, and because of the maiden is there neither life, nor spirit, nor existence within me." "Lord," they answered, "since you judge us worthy to counsel you, we will give you counsel. And this is our counsel; that you send messengers for three years to the three parts of the world, to seek for your dream. And as you know not what day or what night good news may come to you, the hope of it will support you."
[13:16]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "So the messengers journeyed for the space of a year, wandering about the world, and seeking tidings concerning his dream. But when they came back at the end of the year, they knew not one word more than they did the day they set forth. And then was the emperor exceeding sorrowful, for he thought that he should never have tidings of her whom best he loved."
[13:17]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "And thereupon thirteen more messengers of the emperor's set forth, and before them they saw a high mountain, which seemed to them to touch the sky. Now this was the guise in which the messengers journeyed; one sleeve was on the cap of each of them in front, as a sign that they were messengers, in order that through what hostile land so ever they might pass no harm might be done them. And when they were come over this mountain, they beheld vast plains, and large rivers flowing through there. "Behold," said they, "the land which our master saw."
[13:18]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) looks to her mother and asks: "Dream true?!" And looks also questioningly first to her dragon-toy and then to Eala.
[13:18]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "And they went along the mouths of the rivers, until they came to the mighty river which they saw flowing to the sea, and the vast city, and the many-coloured high towers in the castle. They saw the largest fleet in the world, in the harbour of the river, and one ship that was larger than any of the others."
[13:18]  Mederia Seerose smiles to Medoria. "Oh yes... sometimes yes."
[13:19]  Eala Du (cottonswan) stops and nods her head to Medoria, "mostly all and everything my meadow flower!"
[13:20]  Eala Du (cottonswan): ""Behold again," said they, "the dream that our master saw."
 And in the great ship they crossed the sea, and came to the Island of Britain. And they traversed the island until they came to Snowdon.
  "Behold," said they, "the rugged land that our master saw."
 And they went forward until they saw Anglesey before them, and until they saw Arvon likewise.
  "Behold," said they, "the land our master saw in his sleep."
[13:20]  Eala Du (cottonswan): " And they saw Aber Sain, and a castle at the mouth of the river. The portal of the castle saw they open, and into the castle they went, and they saw a hall in the castle.
 Then said they, "Behold, the hall which he saw in his sleep."
 They went into the hall, and they beheld two youths playing at chess on the golden bench. And they beheld the hoary-headed man beside the pillar, in the ivory chair, carving chessmen. And they beheld the maiden sitting on a chair of ruddy gold."
The messengers bent down upon their knees.
  "Empress of Rome, all hail!"
  "Ha, gentles," said the maiden, "you bear the seeming of honourable men, and the badge of envoys, what mockery is this you do to me?"
  "We mock you not, lady; but the Emperor of Rome has seen you in his sleep, and he has neither life nor spirit left because of you. You then shall have the choice, lady, whether you wilt go with us and be made empress of Rome, or that the emperor come here and take you for his wife?"
  "Ha, lords," said the maiden, "I will not deny what you say, neither will I believe it too well. If the emperor love me, let him come here to seek me."
[13:23]  Eala Du (cottonswan) nods her head and paces back and forth a little as she speaks in voice of man and maiden for dramatic effect, "And quite right he should go to his love!" the fae said indignant at the very idea of otherwise.
[13:23]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "And by day and night the messengers hied them back. And when their horses failed, they bought other fresh ones. And when they came to Rome, they saluted the Emperor, and asked their boon (favour), which was given to them according as they named it."
[13:23]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) says loud: "Fly with dragon!" And lets her dragon toy circles around herself on a stretched arm.
[13:25]  Eala Du (cottonswan) laughs a little as Medoria brings action to her tale, "Dragons outride horses I am in no doubt!" she agrees.
[13:25]  Eala Du (cottonswan): " "We will be your guides, lord," said they, "over sea and over land., to the place where is the woman whom best you love, for we know her name, and her kindred, and her race."
 And immediately the emperor set forth with his army. And these men were his guides. Towards the Island of Britain they went over the sea and the deep. And he conquered the Island from Beli the son of Manogan, and his sons, and drove them to the sea, and went forward even unto Arvon. And the emperor knew the land when he saw it."
[13:25]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "And when he beheld the castle of Aber Sain, "Look yonder," said he, "there is the castle where I saw the damsel whom I best love."
 And he went forward into the castle and into the hall, and there he saw Kynan the son of Eudav, and Adeon the son of Eudav, playing at chess. And he saw Eudav the son of Caradawc, sitting on a chair of ivory carving chessmen. And the maiden whom he had beheld in his sleep, he saw sitting on a chair of gold.
  "Empress of Rome," said he, "all hail!" And the emperor threw his arms about her neck; and that night she became his bride. "
[13:27]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "And the next day in the morning, the damsel asked her maiden portion. And he told her to name what she would. And she asked to have the Island of Britain for her father, from the Channel to the Irish Sea, together with the three adjacent Islands, to hold under the empress of Rome; and to have three chief castles made for her, in whatever places she might choose in the Island of Britain. And she chose to have the highest castle made at Arvon. And they brought thither earth from Rome that it might be more healthful for the emperor to sleep, and sit, and walk upon. After that the two other castles were made for her, which were Caerlleon and Caermarthen."
[13:28]  Eala Du (cottonswan) beckons to Medoria and whispers, "I have tread the very walls of Caerlleon and Caermarthen, so all true!" and then she makes secret with her fingers to her lips before standing for the very last of her story.
[13:28]  Eala Du (cottonswan): "And one day the emperor went to hunt at Caermarthen, and he came so far as the top of Brevi Vawr, and there the emperor pitched his tent. And that encamping place is called Cadeir Macsen, even to this day. And because that he built the castle with a myriad of men, he called it Caervyrddin. Then Helen bethought her to make high roads from one castle to another throughout the Island of Britain. And the roads were made. And for this cause are they called the roads of Helen Luyddawc, that she was sprung from a native of this island, and the men of the Island of Britain would not have made these great roads for any save for her...."
[13:28]  Nevoeei blinks a bit at what the woman asked of the emperor and shakes her head to herself, finishing her drink and setting the cup on the ground.
[13:29]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) looks to Eala and tilts her head and murmurs then: "Gold and rubies!"
[13:29]  Eala Du (cottonswan) looks about her, "there is more...but it is of war and such things…which for now bore me. I only give the beginning of a great union of love, that started with a dream." and she set to humming a song of Macsen and Helen, bowed prettily from waist with a flourish of wrist as she had seen the bards do, then laughed and clapped her hands lightly. "I know I marvel at my talents also." she told them all.
[13:30]  Mederia Seerose laughs and claps. "Milady, sure you do!" She bows her head to Lady Eala Du.
[13:31]  Eala Du (cottonswan) laughs again and bows her head again to all, "Gold and Rubies!" she repeats and from it seems the air reveals a ruby in palm, she lays it out for Medoria to look at.
[13:32]  Nevoeei frowns a bit, "That story seems silly. Why would someone become so upset over not meeting someone they dreamed of? Unless she used magic to make him want to come to her so she could get all those things..." she shakes her head, "It doesn't make sense. Love seems like a lot work and that it takes away form what you should be doing..."
[13:32]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) nods. Then she looks to Lady Eala with big eyes. "Ruby!" she calls out and tries to touch it after running over.
[13:33]  Mederia Seerose smiles at Medoria and looks then to Nevi. "Oh... you will find the magic of love early enough, I am sure."
[13:34]  Eala Du (cottonswan) turns her head to Nevi and smiles, "Do dreams make sense always...are they not often a mystery to unfold, and answer hidden within some magic?" she nods her head to Mederia's words, "Ah perhaps so young, not touched, or tainted by the pleasure or curse of love."
[13:35]  Nevoeei smiles fiantly at Medoria's exclamation before to Mederia, wrinkling her nose, "I'd rather not," she looks up to Eala then, nodding, "But that's dreams. I wouldn't go to search for some boy I might dream of."
[13:36]  Eala Du (cottonswan) drops the ruby to floor so Medoria can examine the ruby to hearts content. Her eyebrow arced with Nevi's answer, "Are you sure not?" and there was genuine surprise in her answer. "Come, dream may be vision and vision may be if you find your love in one, why not seek where he stands in the real!"
[13:37]  Mederia Seerose smiles to Nevi. "I am still searching my dream." Then she raises and bows her head to both, while Orchidee nods with a big smile and jingle to Nevi and also to Eala. Mederia says: "It is time to bring to little ones at the edge of the dreamland, that they can enter it for adventure." She winks.
[13:38]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) tries not to yawn and fails. She looks to Mederia and protests: "Ruby!" She points to the gem.
[13:39]  Eala Du (cottonswan) bows farewell to Mederia as she begins to take her leave, "Many adventures to be found in dreams." she agrees, then smiles to Nevi, "you have much talent to bring a vision before our eyes, and a delight it was to see my Lady Nevi." and she bows head to her, then to the elf of the silvery locks, before finally waggling fingers in farewell to Medoria and Orchidee too, of course!
[13:40]  Nevoeei stands up, and shrugs to Eala, "Love can be good, but sometimes it hurts a lot. And it's hard to find people that don't lie; liars are the worst kind," she nods decisively then over to Mederia, smiling a bit, "I should go, too, myself soon. I might look around a bit," at that Nascha seems to hoot in protest, though Nevi ignores her and looks to Eala, smiling, "Thank you. I'm trying to learn all I can when it comes to dream magic."
[13:42]  Mederia Seerose smiles and takes Medoria on her arms. "Oh, I will show you tomorrow some jewellery with rubies", she promises. "That will be one day yours." She gives the child a kiss on her nose and smiles then around. "May the moon light your dreams."
[13:42]  Eala Du (cottonswan) eyes fluctuate with the evident sadness of the child, who seems to carry great weight. "Never truer words, I however do not care to carry hurts. they bother my time!" and she frowned evidencing it a bother.
[13:43]  Nevoeei waves to Mederia and Medoira, along with the little Orchidee, "Sleep well you all, and dream well," she smiles before looking to Eala, "I don't carry hurts. I just carry lessons learned to keep me from hurting."
[13:44]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) waves with the dragon toy to all and calls out: "Stars!" and lets herself carry home.
[13:44]  Inddia Ametza: see you soon and sweet dreams :)
[13:45]  Eala Du (cottonswan) tilts her head as she waves a hand to see the others off, yet her eyes watch Nevi, "Well I am glad to hear it, for surely I will not take them from you if that be the case!" and even in her unkind words her smile was merry.

Sonntag, 7. Dezember 2014

A Tale Telling in Elfennau at Saint Nicholas' Day

((Cleared of some OOC and mistakes))

In a Cottage in Elvennau:

[11:57]  Edryd Winterhawk (edryd) lands on the floor, face down.. he might squeal a bit as he is torn through space and time... He lays on the floor, breathing.
[11:58]  Edryd Winterhawk (edryd) gets up and looks around..
[11:58]  The little girl Medoria Seerose (mederia) giggles and hops around the laying Edryd. "Oh... portals!" She circles him with her dragon-toy in the hand when he stands up. "Chocolate!"
[11:59]  Mederia Seerose smiles to Edryd. "Some tea? - Welcome! You are the first." She tilts her head. "The feather knows about portals."
[11:59]  Edryd Winterhawk (edryd) frowns, then smiles, seeing where he is, 'Hello Mederia. Are you well?'
[12:03]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) stops with circling and looks up to Edryd. "I AM!"
[12:04]  Mederia Seerose looks at her daughter. "Yes, you are. But be nice, yes?" She smiles to Edryd. "We are. I know that some friends will come still, we have some time till it begins."
[12:06]  Nevoeei peeks inside the open door, more than a little soaked, "I knew this was your house when I saw it across the river!," she exclaims, beaming to Mederia.
[12:06]  Edryd Winterhawk (edryd) brushes himself down, 'Till what begins?'
[12:09]  Edryd Winterhawk (edryd) packs his pipe
[12:09]  Mederia Seerose blinks at Nevi. "Oh, that is wonderful that you are here!" She smiles. Orchidee waves jingling. Then Mederia looks to Edryd. "The Tale Telling. About Portals."
[12:10]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) runs to Nevi and claps in her tiny hands. "Chocolate and tales!"
[12:11]  Nevoeei nods, "Papa said I could come if I could find a way I did. And I brought Nascha, too," she nods to her owl, "If Papa comes, he'll probably bring Mama and Nuveim, but I don't know if he will," she shrugs a bit then smiles to Medoria, "I heard about that...and it's good to be seeing you, too."
[12:13]  Edryd Winterhawk (edryd) sees people arrive and smiles. He starts to light his pipe. This is one of the few places in the world that he feels safe.
[12:14]  Mederia Seerose: Be right back! *and goes upstairs*
[12:14]  Zamiyr lands, in much more than safe distance to the fireplace and walks up to the house, looking to the door sourly.
[12:15]  Edryd Winterhawk (edryd) sees Zamiyr and grins, 'You may come and go also?'
[12:15]  Mederia Seerose steps to Elendran and smiles. "You would like to come downstairs?"
[12:17]  Zamiyr looks at Edryd on hearing his voice. "Not quite, Prince Edryd." he replies through gritted teeth.
[12:17]  Nevoeei looks back behind her at the voice and waves to Zamiyr, before her eyes light up, "Oh! You didn't meet Nascha before, did you?"
[12:19]  Zamiyr shakes his head, not seeming too surprised to see Nevoeei here "No, not yet. A pleasure, Nasha. Look Paz. You´re in good company today.
[12:20]  Elendran Spitfire (zovvar.wylder) coming downstairs into the kitchen: G'evening all
[12:22]  Nevoeei glances over to the man who comes downstairs and waves a bit before walking over to Zamiyr as he speaks to Nascha, "She likes to have met you, too," she smiles then at his words to Paz about her owl.
[12:24]  Mederia Seerose rummages upstairs and comes then after Elendran with Orchidee again downstairs. She smiles and nods to Zamiyr and Pax and to the owl on Nevi's shoulder. She spots November through the window and smiles and waves to her to come in.
[12:24]  Zamiyr smiles to November. "Ah, hello, nice to meet you again, seems I´m in good company too then, with Orchidee and you."
[12:28]  November (novemberday): smiles to them all.
[12:28]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) looks to Pax and waves - and to Zamiyr and November also. Then she turns to Elendran and runs to him. "Cookie?!" the child asks with a wide smile.
[12:29]  Nevoeei smiles to the black-haired woman before going back inside to take up a cookie, though at Medoria's exclamation, she pauses and carefully sets the cookie back down. She glances around a moment before walking over to look at the picture on the wall, "My brother drew that," she murmurs, tilting her head slightly.
[12:29]  Elendran Spitfire (zovvar.wylder): I'd have eaten a muffin ... but that was before you "danced" in them.
[12:30]  Elendran Spitfire (zovvar.wylder): *grins*
[12:31]  Edryd Winterhawk (edryd) listens carefully
[12:31]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) looks to Elendran with big eyes. "Uhm...." she says. Then: "Not me! Mn'draco!" She raises her dragon-toy and nods seriously
[12:32]  Mederia Seerose s fairy giggles jingling and Mederia looks to Medoria and raises one brow. "I see..." she murmurs. Then she looks around. "Take something to drink and a cookie and then we start with the tales!"
[12:33]  Zamiyr looks over to Orchidee, then to the threshold. "It´s quite nice outside too…"
[12:34]  Edryd Winterhawk (edryd) sneaks a cookie
[12:35]  November (novemberday): watches Zamiyr, chuckles.
[12:35]  Mederia Seerose smiles to Zamiyr. "Take yourself a cushion there and sit outside! But I won't carry now all things out again." She winks. She looks around.
[12:36]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) takes a cookie and a cup of chocolate and plumbs to the ground, waiting and eating.
[12:37]  Zamiyr frowns slightly at Mederia´s words, but then shrugs and takes the invitation to get a cushion outside as an invitation to come inside and looks around interestedly.
[12:38]  Nevoeei looks away form the drawing, around a moment before to Zamiyr, "Why don't you want to come inside?"
[12:38]  Mederia Seerose smiles again and shakes her head lightly about her daughter on the ground. She looks from one to the other. "And ask November to come in also!" She laughs. "Welcome all to the very first Tale Telling in this cottage. In Elvennau. I have a tale to tell but... maybe one of you has a tale first?" She tilts her head and waits.
[12:41]  Mederia Seerose s fairy looks over to the picture at the wall and nods jingling, then shakes her head, looking at Mederia.
[12:41]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) says seriously, eating cookies: "Portals!"
[12:41]  Zamiyr just snorts at Nevi´s question, then turns to November with a slight grin.. "You heard, sister? Come in, you´re invited inside." He looks to Mederia then again. "I´m curious to hear your tale."
[12:42]  Nevoeei drops down to the floor where she was, placing her hands on her knees as she looks to Mederia curiously.
[12:43]  Mederia Seerose nods to Zamiyr and smiles to the children. "Then I will start. The theme shall be: Portals. My tale has no title till now... maybe we will find one later. It is the tale of two children. One is a human girl, the other a dragoness of young age and small shape."
[12:44]  November (novemberday): smiles to Zamiyr but takes a piece from the edible shroom and watches through the window
[12:45]  Edryd Winterhawk (edryd) hugs his knees and listens, smiling
[12:46]  Mederia Seerose nods. "The young human girl is called Rose, and she lives together with her mother and her foster father in a small town. They run a stonemason's workshop, and even the small girl of about... seven years has to help with the work. They earn their living, their health is well. Only... "
[12:47]  Zamiyr listens but watches Elendran more than Mederia for a while before focusing back on the current story-weaver, raising a brow at the stonemason´s workshop mention.
[12:47]  Nevoeei: Nascha flies up a bit to get off of Nevi's shoulder to rather perch on the counter behind her, preening her feathers. Nevi leans a bit forward with the owl off her shoulder so her elbows rest on her knees and her chin in her hands.
[12:47]  Elendran Spitfire (zovvar.wylder) frowns.
[12:48]  Mederia Seerose looks to the window: "... only that the foster father has the bad habit, that he has a temper and more temper when he is drunk. And the small girl has often, when she hides in bed after a long day, some hurting spots. She doesn't know what to do and her mother only says: "He isn't so well with children, see... it will be better, when you are grown." But the child is often sad and cries in the night."
[12:48]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) blinks and forgets to eat, frowns.
[12:50]  Mederia Seerose smiles to her daughter. "The other girl, who is a dragon, lives with her family in a cave high in the mountains. Her family is nice and she has a good life. But she is so tiny! And all things a big dragon is able to do, she can't. She isn't strong - yet. She isn't able to spit fire. She can't well fly. And she is tired of hearing: "The tiny one, ah she will grow!""
[12:51]  Zamiyr frowns when Medoria does.
[12:52]  Edryd Winterhawk (edryd) listens carefully
[12:53]  Mederia Seerose continues: "It is this time of year we have now. When the year is ending and a new will begin. And it is the time when Saint Nicholas will come to the children. I am always surprised, that in the one or other kind this tale is alive in the hearts of the children. As it is with the little human girl and the tiny dragoness. They both have wishes for Saint Nicholas and they both tell him lying on their sleeping places. So the human child says: "
[12:53]  Nevoeei gets up and walks over to take a cookie before going back to her spot near the fire, which was helping to dry her off from her brief swim.
[12:53]  November (novemberday): listens and nibbles on the shroom but frowns too about the poor child. Waves to the fae with the pretty wings who now came
[12:53]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) smiles to Nevi and looks at her own cookie, bites in it.
[12:55]  Mederia Seerose lets her voice sound younger and hushed: " "Dear Saint Nicholas, I want... I want... please I wish that I can show my father, that he shouldn't be bad to me! I don't want a doll..." and the little girl sighs deeply, because she really would love a new doll with long hair, as the old lost all of her old "I don't want new shoes. Please, maybe you could do that?" “
[12:55]  November (novemberday): my portal story is about Saint Nik *chimes in and hushes again*
[12:55]  Edryd Winterhawk (edryd) shivers
[12:56]  Melani (eiraiseult) lands lightly outside the hut, smiling a bit as she catches a bit of the tale being told. She gives a faint nod to the waving woman, before walking up to the doorway and leaning bit on it as she peers inside to the group, before smiling to Zamiyr, waving her fingers at him.
[12:56]  Zamiyr looks over to Melani. "Hello, my lovely, come in and listen to the tale."
[12:57]  Mederia Seerose adds in another young voice, sounding more rough and warm: ""Dear Saint Nicholas" the dragon girl says." “ Mederia looks up and smiles to Melani. “ "Please, I want to be useful for my family! I want to be able to DO something that would be worth to do. Yes?" And both children wait for the Saint Nicholas day."
[12:58]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) looks up and waves to Melani.
[12:58]  Edryd Winterhawk (edryd) smiles
[12:59]  Nevoeei glances to the doorway and waves to the newly arriving fae before to Medoria at Mederia's words, focusing on the latter again after a moment.
[13:00]  Melani (eiraiseult) bows her head a bit at the waves and smiles before to Zamiyr, seeming to think a moment before shrugging and walking inside, stepping to the side Paz wasn't on to kiss his cheek before folding her wings close to her body, looking around the room doubtfully.
[13:00]  Mederia Seerose smiles and tells: "And then the day of Saint Nicholas comes and the human children put their socks out and the little dragons build nice stone nests for their gifts. But the human girl doesn't put a sock out and the dragoness doesn't build a nest. They only go to bed and in their small hearts is the hope of a -real- gift of Saint Nicholas. So both fall asleep. ... But in the middle of the night..."
[13:01]  Edryd Winterhawk (edryd) leans forward
[13:01]  Mederia Seerose smiles to the children. "... in the middle of the night Rose wakes and she sees, that there is a shine in her little room. It is coming from under her bed! She is in fear. Under her bed... there are monsters living!"
[13:02]  Zamiyr smiles, listening silently.
[13:02]  Mederia Seerose nods seriously. "And the little dragoness wakes and... she sees a shine from behind a wall next to her sleeping cave. Eagerly she stands up and sneaks, trying to wake nobody, over to the light."
[13:03]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) nods eagerly. "Dragons no fear!"
[13:03]  November (novemberday): Monsters! How awful the poor girl! I hope nothing happened to her! *shivers*
[13:04]  Nevoeei raises a brow briefly at Mederia's smile to her, seeming a bit unconvinced, but keeps quiet, eating her cookie.
[13:05]  Mederia Seerose smiles to her daughter. "But the little human girl needs a long time, lying in her bed, till she has the heart to look under it. And there... is a small door. And the small door is open and the shine falls through it. She is so surprised, that she steps out of the bed and under it and isn't at all surprised, that she is so tiny, that she can walk easily under her bed and to the door." Mederia inhales. "And the dragon girl hums and enters the light of the small cave, she never ever had seen before, curious and without any fear."
[13:07]  Edryd Winterhawk (edryd) shivers
[13:07]  Mederia Seerose nods. "Behind the door... is a meadow. It is the moonlight, that lights the doors. And the glittering of white snow and the stars. And the light of the lanterns, hanging in the trees around. And there is a small cottage between the trees and there is an open door. But first, when the two girls step out in the snow..."
[13:07]  Edryd Winterhawk (edryd) groans as he is dragged back
[13:07]  Zamiyr strokes over Paz´s wings lightly when she starts traipsing about on his shoulder, not liking to be inside, but he doesn´t move else and keeps listening.
[13:08]  Mederia Seerose looks to Edryd and sighs, when the bard is called away.
[13:08]  Melani (eiraiseult) frowns lightly, looking to Paz then over to the owl, blinking a moment before shaking her head to herself and focusing on the story again.
[13:08]  Mederia Seerose looks around. "Where do we were?" she asks.
[13:09]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) drinks chocolate and says: "Snow!"
[13:10]  Zamiyr shrugs. "Probably some skald duties up in the North, they need music and songs to keep them warm..." he frowns, looking to the green grass outside, then to Medoria. "Green to gold to white, you said, little dragonlady?"
[13:10]  Nevoeei blinks a bit as one of the men disappears, looking around for a moment with furrowed brows, then to Zamiyr at his words before shrugging and looking back to Mederia.
[13:11]  Mederia Seerose blinks at Medoria: "Snow? Oh... yes... snow." She looks to Zamiyr, raising one brow. Then she smiles and tells further: "The two girls step into the snow. The one with bare feet and in her grey nightdress, the other on her four claws and with eagerly raised head with dragon teeth and eyes, glowing in the night."
[13:11]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) looks shortly to Zamiyr and nods. Then back to her mother and nods again.
[13:11]  November (novemberday): sighs when she heard it had been a skald who had left but she breaks more from the shroom and listens again with a smile
[13:11]  Melani (eiraiseult) sighs a bit at the word 'snow' being said multiple times, looking out the door a moment a bit longingly before over to Mederia, leaning on the counter behind her.
[13:14]  Mederia Seerose smiles: "As you can easily think yourself, Rose is so in fear about the dragoness, although so small, and the dragoness is almost not interested till the human girl cries out: "A monster!!!" The small dragoness looks to Rose and asks: "Oh, where?!" And turns around herself, a bit now worried about the monsters that may wait here in the forest. And then... "
[13:17]  Mederia Seerose looks to Elendran with a short glance. She looks back to the children and tells: "Then a man steps out of the cottage. He is old. He is white haired. He wears something long and red with white fur. He looks quite like the children think, Saint Nicholas should look. He comes to the children and says warmly: "I am no monster." He looks from Rose, who gathers all her courage, to the dragoness, who looks really interested to the human girl. "You had both a wish, and I have no real idea, how to give you, what you want... but my fae had an idea.... maybe you both could help each other. I want to make a suggestion."
[13:18]  Zamiyr raises his left hand to stroke over the edge of Melani´s wing now, grinning to himself a moment, then listens again.
[13:20]  Mederia Seerose tilts her head and says: ""I will change both of you in the shape of the other and give you one day at the home of the other." The dragoness blinks and says: "Oh... but... but I am only a little human ... thing then!" And the human girl says at the same time: "I don't want to be a monster!" And both fall quiet and look at each other and then at Saint Nicholas, pondering."
[13:21]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) huffs.
[13:21]  Mederia Seerose looks to the children. "Would do you have done it?"
[13:21]  November (novemberday): *chuckles* Fae have lots of good ideas
[13:22]  Zamiyr grins. "What´s it like to be a dragon."
[13:22]  Melani (eiraiseult) 's wings shiver a bit at Zamiyr's touch, and she looks to him with a brief smile before to Mederia, raising a brow a moment before back to Zamiyr, sighing slightly but with a hint of amusement in her icy eyes.
[13:23]  Mederia Seerose laughs and nods. "The both look at each other and the little red dragoness looks at the fair child and sighs and says: "I am curious, I'll do it." And the human child nods and says: "I... I... try it." And so Saint Nicholas changes them and sends the both girls through the doors back... each into the world of the other."
[13:24]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) easts cookie. "Hmmmmm....." she says.
[13:25]  Elendran Spitfire (zovvar.wylder): *takes a cookie also, before Medoria has eaten them all*
[13:27]  Zamiyr leans over to Melani´s ear and whispers "I bet I know if you´d have done it, my precious." he grins and watches the children then curiously for their replies.
[13:29]  Mederia Seerose winks to her daughter. "The end of the tale is fast told. Try to hit a child, that has the heart of a dragon! You will regret it. It will be fierce and strong and even in a human shape it will show you, that there is nothing that makes it right to do so. The foster father never ever dares to hit his foster daughter again. The little girl in dragon shape finds out, that she knows a lot about the fine art of the stonemasons and she is able to help carve the caves in a wonderful way and their family look at their both daughters with other eyes. Both go back in the night, after a long and fruitful day, and they met at the snowy forest and they tell each other and there is laughing and fun and giggling and friendship and love. And Saint Nicholas smiles." She smiles also. "In the end... when they go back to their families for the rest of their life..."
[13:30]  Nevoeei: It took a moment before she realized Mederia's question was directed at her and she shrugs, "Seems to only really only the human girl," she murmurs quietly as Mederia continues, before tilting her head, " a strange way to solve things. If the dragon girl was in the human girl's body, shouldn't she have been just as strong or weak as the human girl? And as likely to get hurt?"
[13:31]  Melani (eiraiseult) raises a brow at Zamiyr's whisper, "Oh? Do you know?," she murmurs, looking to him curiously before to the two children then to Mederia.
[13:33]  Mederia Seerose nods. "In the end their worlds changed because they changed in the one day somewhere else, going through portals." She smiles to Nevi. "There is a big difference in a child raising its hands and going backwards and to a child standing high and asking why. Sure... it was so weak in this body as the human child. But her eyes... the eyes were different. And so were the eyes from the human child, when it came back from its journey to the dragons. And... they became friends. They found out how to use the hidden portals under the bed and in the dragon cave. I think... they helped each other one or more times in their life further. And so this tale has an end - and no end. Because they lived on." She bows her head.
[13:35]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) says: "Rose where?" She looks curiously to her mother.
[13:35]  Elendran Spitfire (zovvar.wylder): *nods approvingly* A very nice tale
[13:35]  Zamiyr laughs at the end of the story and Nevi´s reply, then looks to Melani with raised brows. "That sounds as if I´m wrong with what I think, my lovely..." he replies., sounding rather surprised, then listens again to Mederia. "The dragon girl maybe..." he murmurs.
[13:36]  Nevoeei frowns, still looking doubtful even after Mederia's explanation but nods, "if you say so. But it's good they became friends at least."
[13:36]  November (novemberday): Yes, very nice. I would be a dragon or a human for a day! I'll ask Saint Nik if I meet him *claps*
[13:37]  Mederia Seerose smiles to Zamiyr. "Who knows... Special humans live longer. Maybe they bonded even?" She winks. She blushes about the praise and then she says fast: "Ah... November! I am eager to hear your story about Saint Nik!"
[13:37]  Melani (eiraiseult) smiles a bit to Zamiyr, You probably aren't wrong, what I meant to sound like was curious as to what you think. And, who knows, if you're right, you may win something nice," she grins a bit before looking to Mederia, "It was an interesting story, that's for certain."
[13:38]  Zamiyr looks to Melani a moment, but then over to November, listening silently.
[13:39]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) raises to get new cookies and reaches her cup to Elendran. "Chocolate!" she says demanding.
[13:40]  November (novemberday): *waves her hands* it is just a tiny little small tale because it was the only time I used a portal. I have no other portal tales
[13:40]  Nevoeei looks to Mederia then to November before back to Mederia, standing up to walk over to her and whisper, "Can I go after her? I'm not sure how long I can stay. It's an experiment."
[13:41]  Elendran Spitfire (zovvar.wylder): thank you *takes the cup of choclolate*
[13:41]  Mederia Seerose looks to Nevi: "What you want, dear. And if you have problems with your... experiment, I would help you."
[13:42]  Melani (eiraiseult) frowns a bit as Zamiyr looks away, maybe seeming to pout a bit before sighing heavily and looking to November.
[13:42]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) blinks when Elendran takes her empty cup of chocolate. She points to the jug and says: "Fill?" with a tilted head.
[13:42]  November (novemberday): my tale is about a fae. She had lost her wings. a wizard did that. her parents had asked him to do it...
[13:43]  Mederia Seerose takes herself a tea and listens to November.
[13:43]  Nevoeei smiles, "No, it's fine, I don't need help," she says reassuringly before going to sit down again, listening to November's story.
[13:43]  Elendran Spitfire (zovvar.wylder): *sighs*
[13:43]  Elendran Spitfire (zovvar.wylder): there I was thinking I was getting some
[13:43]  Elendran Spitfire (zovvar.wylder): *takes the bowl of chocolate and gives her a refill*
[13:44]  Mederia Seerose looks a bit irritated to her daughter and Elendran and hides then a smile.
[13:44]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) beams at Elendran and goes back to her spot to sit down with fresh chocolate and new cookies. One cookie she reaches to Orchidee.
[13:46]  November (novemberday): and so...she could never fly...but...After many years she had left the land she was born at and had come to a different one. She liked it a lot. because it had the wonderfullest
[13:46]  November (novemberday): trees if all...
[13:47]  Mederia Seerose tilts her head, looking to November.
[13:48]  Melani (eiraiseult) frowns a bit, reaching back briefly to touch her own wings before moving her head to lightly stoke over the feathers of Zamiyr's.
[13:52]  Zamiyr tilts his head, looking over to Melani.
[13:52]  November (novemberday): But one day the trees got sad and they said goodbye to the people of the land and they knew something must be wrong. The people who listened to the trees. but some people don't believe that trees can talk and so they could not hear them...
[13:55]  Melani (eiraiseult) smiles a bit at Zamiyr's look, simply keeping to stroking over his wing, leaning in briefly to kiss him, before listening again, frowning slightly.
[13:56]  Mederia Seerose frowns, looking at November and nods then. She murmurs: "They can."
[13:57]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) looks up to her mother, still eating cookies and asks wondering: "Talk? Trees?!"
[13:57]  November (novemberday): and many people don't believe that other people can hear the trees too and so many people not took the warning of the ones who the trees talked to serious...and so something very very bad would have happened to them perhaps because they saw no reasons to take care and prepare for what was it that the trees did know would come...
[13:58]  Nevoeei looks over to Medoira, "Some trees talk more than others," she whispers.
[13:59]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) looks over to Nevi with big eyes. "Yes?" She blinks. "Oh."
[14:00]  Zamiyr shifts his weight, leaning slightly against Melani´s shoulder and wings, but listens to the tale curiously.
[14:00]  Mederia Seerose shakes her head slightly and stands up, taking her chair to the table and Medoria at her side. She whispers: "I'll explain it later, promised." She winks to Medoria and smiles by this to Elendran and looks back to November.
[14:05]  November (novemberday): The trees warned those who could...or wanted...listen and so some left the land and some waited with the land, they wanted to protect even the people who would not want to listen to trees or to people who talk to trees...and it was a long time like the land held its breath. And then it happened. In only a short time...The land...went to sleep...and many would have fallen asleep with it.. If old man suddenly had come...
[14:06]  November (novemberday): They called him...Saint Nik. Some knew him some not. But he promised them all a portal to leave another Land. A safe Land.
[14:07]  Nevoeei listens quietly, beckoning Nascha back to her shoulder, brushing over her head with a finger as she listens, biting on her lip.
[14:09]  Zamiyr doesn´t move and looks into the distance, dreaming of purple trees, the eyes of the falcon unfocused as well as his own.
[14:11]  Mederia Seerose nods slowly, listening to November.
[14:11]  Melani (eiraiseult) rests her head on Zamiyr's shoulder, since he was leaning a bit against her, looking around to the ones in the room before back to November.
[14:13]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) looks up to Mederia: "Promised!" Then she looks to Elendran: "Chocolate?" and reaches him her again empty cup, her mouth still a bit brown with sweet chocolate.
[14:13]  Elendran Spitfire (zovvar.wylder): “Here we go again.”
[14:14]  Elendran Spitfire (zovvar.wylder) mutters.
[14:14]  Elendran Spitfire (zovvar.wylder) gives Medoria a refill as well.
[14:14]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) looks up to Elendran with a wide smile. "Thanks!" she whispers a lot too loud.
[14:15]  Mederia Seerose holds one finger before her lips, gazing to Medoria. Orchidee giggles jingling. Mederia looks at Elendran and whispers: "Sorry...."
[14:16]  November (novemberday): and that was when the fae walked through a portal for the first time. and it was as if she could fly. For the first time. It was a wonderful and safe new land. and still the children of all races of the land wait every year on the evening Saint Nik made the portal for him to come back and open a new portal in a new Land.
[14:17]  Mederia Seerose looks to November, at her wingless back and tilts her head, pondering.
[14:18]  November (novemberday): But nobody had ever seen him since then. but. The children always find chocolate and other things in the next morning and are happy and dream of many foreign lands full of wonders while they eat all the chocolate *smiles*
[14:19]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) drinks more chocolate and has still a cookie in one hand and smiles happily.
[14:20]  Zamiyr: "Chocolate." he says a bit dryly, but smiles slightly when he looks over to Medoria a moment.
[14:21]  Mederia Seerose smiles. "I heard, he brings nuts and apples also to the human. Dragons like to tell that he brings them with a cover of gold." She winks to Medoria down.
[14:22]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) blinks. "Gold..." she says dreamingly and yawns then.
[14:22]  Melani (eiraiseult) raises a brow and murmurs, "You have something against chocolate, my dear?"
[14:23]  Nevoeei blinks, "Nuts and apples?," she furrows her brows but shrugs then, looking over to Medoria with a light smile at her yawn.
[14:24]  Zamiyr: "No, my lovely. Against too happy ends." he grins a bit, but smiles to November then. "A nice tale. And I´m sure the trees behind you did listen well."
[14:25]  November (novemberday): *turns around and chuckled* yes they did, they are yawning too
[14:26]  Melani (eiraiseult) nods, "Ah, of course," she murmurs, her fingers moving to brush over the base of one of his wings for a brief moment, before looking to November, "It was a nice story, besides a fae losing their wings of course," she frowns a bit at that.
[14:26]  Mederia Seerose s fairy yawns hearty and glares to the dragon-child. Mederia looks to Orchidee and sighs. "Bedtime for you...", she says silently. Then she smiles to November. "I like happy ends. And I speak for my daughter: Even dragons like chocolate." She looks to the cookies and muffins. "Nevi, you should take some for your brother with you."
[14:27]  Nevoeei nods, "I can do that," she smiles then stands, glancing around a moment before to Mederia, "I have a story for next time, at least, since it seems everyone needs a bed," she explains, glancing briefly to Medoria before walking over to the cookies and muffins, looking to them with a tilted head.
[14:27]  November (novemberday): *nods* but it saved her life. creatures with wings were not welcome in her land *smiles a bit* the wizard in this tale was not a evil one
[14:28]  Zamiyr pulls on Melani´s wings slightly. "Time to go and listen to some trees..."
[14:29]  Mederia Seerose smiles to Nevi. "I am sure, that I will offer you cookies and tea and tales next week also. Like we did it in the Anam. The day isn't decided yet, but maybe... we can talk about it in a dream." She winks to the girl.
[14:29]  Elendran Spitfire (zovvar.wylder): Aye, time to get some rest as well
[14:30]  Elendran Spitfire (zovvar.wylder): 't was nice meeting y'all
[14:30]  November (novemberday): *smiles* I hope I will hear the other stories next time. I am tired too I need to go to...A good place for fae to rest *waves and poofs*
[14:32]  Zamiyr smiles brightly to Elendran. "It was." he looks around a moment in the hut, then reaches for Melani´s hand to pull her out of the house, the falcon screeching excitedly noticing they are about to leave. "Dream well."
[14:32]  Melani (eiraiseult) smiles to Zamiyr, "That sounds like a wonderful idea," she nods then to the rest, "I hope you all sleep well," she says before going to leave with Zamiyr.
[14:32]  Elendran Spitfire (zovvar.wylder): night night
[14:32]  Mederia Seerose looks over to Zamiry and Melani: "May the moon be with you. And till the next time, we meet!"
[14:33]  Mederia Seerose s fairy waves jingling and with a big yawn.
[14:33]  Medoria Seerose (mederia) waves and yawns and beams.
[14:34]  Nevoeei nods, "We can talk in dreams, of course," she says, taking a few cookies and muffins before smiling to the rest, "Safe paths, I'll see you sometime... maybe..." before hurrying out and a bit away before seeming to disappear.